Ouch.....!!thats must be really hurts..

hmm..what do you think bout this..??

Foot Binding..Foot binding was practiced in China for 1000 years. Young girls would have their feet wrapped, thus limiting the normal development and essentially crippling them. Today, it is a prominent cause of disability among elderly Chinese women.

Zhou Guizhen who is 86 years old, shows one of her bound feet where the bones in the four small toes were broken and forced underneath the foot over a period of time, at her home in Liuyi village in China’s southern Yunnan Province, 23 February 2007. According to popular Chinese legend the custom was at first adopted among courtesans after a Tang Dynasty emperor about 1000 years ago fell in love with a concubine who wrapped her tiny feet in silk when she danced and the practice soon entrenched itself in the lower classes. It became the ultimate measure of a woman’s beauty and also a condition of marriage and part of bedside repertoire. To mold the so-called “lotus foot” girls’ feet were wrapped at about six years of age, an agonisingly painful process that would break the bones.

being beautiful is painful in that day...

look at the size of those shoes...


Anonymous January 21, 2008 at 4:06 PM  

Waduh!!, ya amat sangat sakit. Gas emang itu tadi tujuannya apa? buat kecantikan ta?
cantik apanya? ya gak cantik donk. aduh bhagas iki tulisannya benar-benar mengiris hati

Rio Indra Maulana

Anonymous January 24, 2008 at 9:26 AM  

ada juga gas...
yg demi keseksian...
ampe pinggang nya tuh...kecil bgt...
emang jaman dulu penuh derita...
beruntung qt hidup di dunia sekarang ini...

Anonymous January 25, 2008 at 1:47 PM  

dah dapet rejeki kaki sehat ko' dilipat - lipat ga' karuan...

Anonymous January 25, 2008 at 4:21 PM  


iya itu yo,org jaman dulu rada aneh emng,ad yg lehernya dibikin panjang kaya di thailand dan laen2..

jaman sekarang pun juga kaya gt,cm bedanya sekarang operasi plastik,hehe..

@mas alay
g juga mas,sekrang pun jg gt...pake operasi tapi,serem euyy..

dr td kn cwe terus tu..nah klo cowo biar tambah ganteng ad g y..?hehe..

iyo iku fit,sikile g loro po..?rodo aneh emng,hehe..cuma biar terlihat cantik...padahal tu subyektif bgt dan cakep itu kn relatif...^^


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